What is stealing your happiness?
Do you know? Do have a clue?
20 things that Cloud, Cover, Disrupt or Rob your Happiness in life.
Many things that are stealing you of your joys are habits we have developed. It’s what we believe to be correct.
Our happiness is a gift we are all born with. Its an inner switch. An inner knowing.
If we choose to develop it, focus on it and use it. It’s also quite simple to rediscover that inner joy and happiness — it just takes a little awareness and practice to develop new thoughts and habits. Here are some areas in your life that could be preventing you from switching on your happiness:-
- Complaining
- Gossip
- Talking down to yourself
- The stories we tell ourselves
- Comparing yourself to others
- Putting things off
- Fear of future
- Living in the past
- Holding on to Old pain and wounds
- Doing everything yourself
- Not prioritizing your life
- Starting many things and not finishing it
- Waiting for things to be perfect
- Trying to please everybody
- Not keeping your word
- Worried about what other people think of you or will say
- Not living your life
- Making the same mistakes expecting different outcomes
- Waiting for inspiration and life to happen
- Focusing on everything that is wrong in life
Be a good finder — to look for the good or some good in yourself and everything that happens and every person you meet. Actively find something good.
Use this affirmation daily: “Every day is a good day. Every place is a good place. Every person is a good person. Every thing is a good thing.” Tell yourself that until it becomes a reality in your life. In your mind and heart. A strong belief about happiness.
I believe that the more you focus on what is good and right in life and celebrate it, the more happiness you will have. So there you have it — 20 things that can steal your happiness.
Choose One that is causing you unhappiness and find your way to change it to Switch on Your Happiness.