Recently certain thoughts have been needling me. It’s disturbing my inner calm. The world is obsessed with it. Life is not fulfilling and meaningful if you don’t achieve it. YES, it’s all about SUCCESS! One must be SUCCESSFUL to be happy, to fit in, to belong, to be recognized.
What it means to be SUCCESSFUL WOMAN?
Does it mean a high paying job, living in a big house and driving an expensive car?
Perhaps owning your own home…?
Running a thriving business…?
Maybe successful is having a happy and healthy family life? For others success is being able to stay at home with their children, just getting along with a sibling/spouse/parent day after day.
Learning another language. Being able to coax an Orchid into re-blooming?
Or perhaps it is just as simple as being happy when you drinking a cold glass of water on a hot day … Success comes in many forms and has many meanings. What success are you seeking in your life right now?
Whatever successful means to you, there are certain habits of successful women that help them achieve their own success.
Giving them their own unique SUCCESS -It has genius, power and magic in it. SUCCESSFUL WOMEN have some unique habits that helps them to their pathway to success.
- She is committed to herself, her life, and her dreams. Until there is no commitment, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. All acts of initiative and creation, ideas and splendid plans will fade away and die until that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then magic happens. The pathway to success begins. Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Be Bold COMMIT – Boldness has power and magic in it.
- She makes time for herself. Women on the GO schedules are demanding & running rife filled with meetings, deadlines, kids’ soccer matches, etc. A successful woman knows her own value and knows that she needs time out to rejuvenate and just focus on herself. She is smart enough to schedule some time for herself.
- She challenges herself. This can be done in so many ways. She can challenge herself intellectually, physically, mentally, spiritually…… She sets goals for herself then push them a little higher. The point is that she is always challenging herself to achieve more be more…growing and creating a colourful life
- She educates herself. And I don’t mean she has to have a University degree. Knowledge is power and a successful woman is aware that she needs to be educated. Whether it’s in business or day-to-day life, a successful woman researches, reads and asks questions. Applies this knowledge in her life to make wise choices.
- She understands mummy guilt and general woman guilt, acknowledges it, and moves on. Mummy guilt is something we live with everyday, we feel guilty if we go to work, we feel guilty if we stay at home, we feel guilty for just about everything. But we need to acknowledge that we feel this way because we want the best for our children, for our families and for ourselves.
- She knows it’s important to be healthy. Healthy isn’t only about exercise and food. Healthy is a mindset, it’s about her heart, it is about our whole life. It encompasses everything we do, every day. A successful woman knows the importance of her overall health & wellbeing.
- She is financially savvy. It is vitally important to know the ins and outs of your finances, to be on top of your financial situation. Successful women are successful because they can manage financial side smartly. Financial stability is such a massive part of life –A successful woman doesn’t live a champagne life on a beer budget.
- She smiles at herself and life. Do you realize how different you feel if you smile? And what about when you smile at someone else? I challenge you to smile at a complete stranger today. Chances are they will smile back. That means your smile just made someone else smile. That’s pretty darn powerful. Successful women know the power of a smile and use it. A successful woman knows that we all get further in this world by being nice and smiling, our mothers taught us so.
- She can step away from her job and have a life outside of her workplace. A successful woman knows that work isn’t everything, all the time. She knows that she can step away and it’s okay. She can switch work off, step away and have some fun.
- She makes a plan. A successful woman knows where she wants GO and has a plan on how to get there. She sets goals for herself and puts into place an action plan to achieve those goals. She measures, re-evaluates and sets more goals.
- She celebrates her wins, both big and small. A successful woman knows the importance of celebrating the wins. Some days that are as simple as ticking off items from the to do list or as big as achieving her major goals – either way, she knows that celebrating the wins helps keep her motivated, committed and driven.
- She helps others through selfless acts of kindness. The old idea of needing to be ruthless in order to succeed is outdated. A successful woman gives back, she gives and expects nothing in return. She smiles at others, she helps others and she is kind. She is generous. She understands random acts of kindness