I hear from readers weekly who thank me for what I write. They are overwhelmed, they are depressed, they are stressed, they are frustrated, they are anxious. They need a word of encouragement. They need to know they are not alone. There is hope and support in these difficult times. There is someone out there who understands or perhaps even can relate to your feelings and what you going through.
Many of us feel overwhelmed at times. Sometimes it may be a temporary situation, a crazy busy weekend, job deadlines. Or it may be that you are caring for a chronically ill family member. Maybe you are struggling with an illness. Maybe your husband/partner left you and you feel lonely and overwhelmed. It can be many things, each unique. I wish that the suggestions can give you a little glimpse of hope. Give you a little direction a starting point.
5 Things to do when you feel overwhelmed
- Accept that you can’t do it all. Admit that you put so much pressure on yourself to TRY to do it all, but you can’t. its just not possible. Time wise and humanly. Look to your Higher Self or Source, and admit that you are but human, and you can’t do everything. I think that some of my most miserable times are when I am trying to do everything in my own strength instead of looking to the Universe for help, wisdom, and strength.
- Accept that some things are just not going to get done. I know this one can be a very difficult one for the perfectionists, fusspots. It won’t be the end of the world, I promise. Yes it true. Even things that feel are very important may not get done, and you will find that you can survive, intact, by things not getting done.
- Set up a Triage center for your life. By applying the principals of triage to your own life, you can figure out which things can be ignored without danger, and those things that must be addressed immediately. Life or death? Most stuff fall in-between the grey area. It’s prioritising what is important and what is not. In the same way, consider each and every area of your life. Examine each activity and responsibility and determine its overall importance to your life and your sanity at this point. Decide what level of importance each thing is.
- Learn to practice intentional neglect. In certain seasons of our lives, especially in times of being overwhelmed, it is completely alright to NOT do certain things. Or do things less often than you might normally like to. Is it really going to matter if you change your sheets every week, or can you go 2 weeks? Convenience foods may be your only sanity right now, it is okay to use them. You may need to sweep your floors every second or third day. Trust me You and your family will survive.
- Ask for help. Admit to those around you that you need help. I know your pride and independence can get effected to ask for assistance. Muster up the courage and ask for help. You will NOT be regarded as weak. In fact it takes alot of inner strength to ask for help. If you have friends or family offering you their help, tell them yes and give them something they can do to help. Your pride will still remain intact. I Promise!
I really hope you found some tips and direction to get you started from the 5 things to do when you feel overwhelmed.