What is the Art of Happiness Institute?

We are an institute on the happy living adventure – one beautiful woman at a time.
To inspire guide and explore life with her so that she can discover happy living. By empowering her so that can cope with stress and strains of daily living. Our hope is that she will help spread more happiness with her family and friends! Her family and friends will pay it (happiness) forward to people in their lives. Creating a ripple of happiness. It’s a human condition to seek for happiness. It’s a yearning, a thirst or for some a hunger. Everybody wants to be happy? Are you searching for happiness? Have you defined what makes you happy? How to be happy? We have found a way. Our approach is the art and science of happiness backed by scientific research.What do we want to do about it?
We’ve got high aspirations, and it’s a pretty big one. But big aspirations can’t happen without a big vision behind it. Ours is: • To inspire and influence • Connect with woman with similar aspirations • Create deep meaningful conversations • Coach and encourage woman to create more happiness, and • Create meaningful experiencesOur institute grows with every happy moment and person at a time. This way we carving a path towards passion, purpose and a happier place.

How we doing it…
Laughter & Happiness Coaching Training –
We training one woman one man at a time to become laughter & happiness leaders. To lead their family, friends and neighbours on the pathway to De-stressing and Happiness . In homes, hallways or community centres. We are bringing people together. These Happy Leaders are committed to spread the joy to make this a very happy place.Laughter for YOU –
So many woman asking where do I start and how do I make the changes. We’ve created a powerful personal happiness program Stress to Happy Living Program. We’re transforming women who are shy, stressed out, self-conscious and sad into self-confident happy ladies. Boosting their Happiness Intellengence. Their mastering life, changing their experiences, connecting with themselves, bonding with their children partner and important people in their lives, creating meaningful moments and memories.A Woman’s Journey –
A support group where like-minded women get together to have deep meaningful conversations on how we as woman engage with ourselves and our world. We connecting communicating creating with together. Exploring life to discover happiness and living.Laughter for Business –
As working women, business women we contribute a great to the economy. We are leaders in our buisness world working world. Our personal state of being has great impact on how productive and profitable we are. As leaders, we are responsible for all the people that work us. We’re partnering with these leaders to help them build happy companies and enviroments. include easy to use, realistic tools and strategies that equip organisations with the skills to build successful teams and individuals, that are creative, connected and work well together.Dear Stress, its time to break up (TRE) –
We helping women break up with stress. We no longer want women to suck it up. We want to empower them to have a gather themselves, have a voice, show up in their own lives. Fall in love with themselves. Its a transforming and empowering journey. The shackles that held you back is being shaken off. We assisting releasing of deep-seated mental and physical pain. Letting go of helpless and hopeless feelings. We rising above our pain. Moving forward one minute, one hour, one day… this are the victories. One by one the masks are falling off. Unfolding into a happy state of being.It just the beginning …..
Anjana Lala +27 (0) 83 2090 199 Chief Happiness Officer and The Happy Diva
BCOM Industrial & Organisation Psychologist, Tension & Trauma Release Practitioner L1 & L2 CLYT Laughter Yoga International
Catch her online:
Facebook: Anjana Lala LinkedIn: Anjana Lala
Twitter: Anjana Lala

Professional Bio
Like you, Laughter Coach Stress & Happiness Expert, Anjana Lala has seen the word happiness defined numerous ways over the years. Is it a sunny day at the beach? Positive thinking? Fun at a Party? Excitement? Is it all about being wealthy? Is it meant only for the chosen few who have it all? Or, is there a different story? With 5 years of Stress and Laughter & Happiness coaching, speaking, and most importantly, real-life, in-the-trenches work and life experience, her view is deeply different. Unlike many Stress and Laughter & Happiness coaches, Anjana shows you de-stress and happiness methods and frameworks that can be applied to your life in an easy practical way. Anjana appreciates, and shares with listeners, that happiness is a moment-to-moment choice and not about wealth, things or a destination. Happiness is for everyone, everyday, anywhere, anytime. It’s how we should live our life. Anjana is a Certified Laughter & Happiness Coach and Teacher, Trauma & Tension release (TRE) Facilitator and continues to learn & work with the smartest and skilled in the Stress, Laughter & Happiness development field. Companies: PD Naidoo & Associates, Telkom, HansaWorld (IT Company), Fairmont High School, TRANSNET, ANC HeadQuarters JHB, SHELL, TOTAL H/O,TOTAL KRIEL, AVON Justine, RMD KWIK, LG ELECTRONICS, ENGINEERING COUNCIL, Lenasia Cancer Society, National Research Foundation Pretoria, National Prosecuting Association JHB, to name a few, have partnered with Anjana to boost their staff morale and effectiveness, release occupational stress & increase productivity in a positive playful and creative ways.Fun Facts
Anjana has travelled and visited 22 countries She loves the art of cake decorating Loves to chat to people
Inspired By
Anjana is inspired by unlikely heroes, dreamers, and doers.
Something Weird That Makes Her Happy
Garlic Ice Cream
Catch her online:
Facebook: Anjana Lala LinkedIn: Anjana Lala
Twitter: Anjana Lala
Personal Story
As a modern woman, Anjana wanted to be Superwoman assuming she can do it all. Wanting it all a successful career, being rich, friends, nice car, beautiful things, travelling to exotic destinations, holiday house, prosperous marriage, etc. On this journey of trying to be Superwoman, it caused a lot of stress, created tremendous anxiety/worry and shattered her self-worth when she could not achieve all the thing she thought she could.
She became sad and empty. Dissatisfied and dull. She was feeling inadequate guilty fearful. This emptiness was filled with emotional eating. Struggling with weight and self-worth.
Anjana found the courage and determination to leave the corporate world (A BCom graduate in Economics and Industrial Psychology experienced as a Management Consultant, Project Manager and Business Analyst within the South African Banking, Financial services and Insurance industry) and ventured to seek her true calling. She was looking for a purpose that would be fulfil her life and her needs. Something that would create life satisfaction. Something that would make her smile again. Feel alive. Feel happy.
Anjana stumbled upon Laughter Yoga when travelling to India in 1998. She saw a bunch of people in a park laughing for no reason at all. It was incredible, wacky and amazing. They were having fun and strangers in the park were joining them. As a spectator she was smiling and giggling. One day on the radio she heard an interview about laughter yoga. This just clicked. Intuitively she knew Laughter Yoga was just for her.
She researched about Laughter yoga and coaching found the course taught by, the brainchild behind Laughter Yoga and Coaching, Dr Kataria. Without any hesitation, she packed her bags, went to India to study at the Laughter Yoga International to qualify as Laughter Yoga Coach and Teacher.
Coming back to South Africa, Anjana started presenting Laughter & Happiness Workshops corporates as team building and stress management tool. Through laughter she learned to smile again. It broke all her inner barriers, limiting beliefs and fears, connecting with amazing new people. Making friends. She went on to expand her services to creating a powerful personal happiness program called Stress to Happy Living Program. It’s fantastic for people who prefer private individual sessions. One–on-One. It teaches you how to manage your mood, cope with life challenges, and deal with the strains of daily life and to master stress levels. She has personally adopted and adapted this program into her life.
She also runs a support group twice a year called A Woman’s Journey where like-minded woman get together to have deep conversations on how to be woman, what is it to be a woman and how we as woman engage with ourselves and their world.
Life is just tough in SA at the moment. Our basic living needs are under huge strain. Power outages, Water cuts, crime, high cost of food and fuel, distrustful government, weak health care system, etc. As a woman mother bread-winner caretaker it creates tremendous level of stress, fear, anxiety and worry about our safety, security and stability. It can start becoming very traumatic and effecting your health. Anjana has felt all this and experienced it as well.
She was introduced to Tension & Trauma Release Facilitation (TRE) by a dear friend. A quick and effective self-empowering tool that physically releases tension and trauma through the activation of body’s inherent ability to heal itself. This powerful life tool captivated her. It just suited Anjana as she does not like to talk about her personal problems. It’s purely body based. The impact it had on her personal life and growth was incredible. She overcame inhibiting habits and bounced back quicker from life challenges. Anjana is no longer controlled by stress, she is in command of her stress levels. Thriving and shining in life.