Day 5 of 11 Day Challenge: BEING PERFECT
Welcome to Day 5 of the Challenge to build your self-esteem & boost your confidence! (Being Perfect)
Your Challenge for TODAY:
Being Perfect
Perfectionists are on a continual treadmill chasing the elusive feeling of having everything in their lives to be “RIGHT.”
Perfectionism does feel nothing like perfect, it feel more like:
- Inadequacy
- Criticism
- Procrastination
- Unrealistic Expectations
- Guilt
- Shame
- Empty
- Heavy Load
Over time we have created a ideal in our mind of what we should be like (LOOK, FEEL & BE). Through social conditioning and media we carry the burden of how we should be, look and behave. This is the “perfect you” that is within you. The “perfect you” controls you rules you. Did you even realise this?
In the self-growth and self-development world that is extremely influential – we are constantly reminded that there is something wrong with us. We need better ourselves. What does even mean? We are constantly told that we need to strive towards a better version of ourselves, a beautiful version of ourselves? You are empowering yourself. Correct?
Then why are you still feeling “I am not good enough”.
After doing everything right why are you not getting it right being the PERFECT YOU?
There is something very flawed in this approach.
I have a PhD in embarking on this flawed approach. I have first-hand experience. I was so immersed in perfection and people pleasing that I forgot to have a big juicy creative life, of imagination, of radical silliness, of immense fun. I was heart-broken! Then it dawned on me……waiting on the side-line to be perfect is just wrong. You miss out on life. What are we trying to get perfect? What are we trying to get right?
Let’s break this cycle of being perfect? Living up to an ideal that does not exist. Moving from insecurities, self-doubt and second guessing about who you should be. Where we can love who we are NOW, learn to accept the way we are NOW and make peace with ourselves NOW, will the magic happen! Accepting the flawed and fabulous parts of ourselves is so powerful.
Excellent to build our self-love and great way to boost our confidence.
We can start nurturing, loving and nourishing the only YOU.
The perfect you. The real you.
Lets explore and discover the real you.
Challenge for today:
Step 1: Define your “perfect you”. Describe what do you think your “perfect you” should look like, how should she behave and what should her qualities be? Write down all the thoughts. No judgement no editing. Write it all down. There is no right or wrong.
Step 2: Consider what you would need to stop or start to become this “perfect you”
Step 3: Read what you wrote for Step 1 and Step 2. Is it humanly possible to do and achieve it?
Step 4: Do you feel excited to “work on yourself” when you think of the “perfect you”? Or do you feel disheartened by it?
Believe: You are perfect just the way you are NOW!
Sending you encouragement and support
So much love
Until tomorrow
Your Happiness & Confidence Coach 🙂
PPPPS……Connect with us. We love to chat to you. Book a Discovery Session for 45 minutes to chat to us on how can we help you. We realize that women (like yourself) today face a whole new set of circumstances and have to juggle many balls to be SUCCESSFUL in life. This often leaves feeling pulled/pushed, stressed and drained – with little or no time left to invest in their personal growth. We design our VIP Personal Coaching to cater for the unique self growth needs, qualities and aspirations of YOU. Pretty Powerful Living! A Life Filled with Happiness, Success & Wealth. Do you want to live a Pretty Powerful Life? connect with us. This is a complimentary session for this challenge. We only have 3 spots left for Jan 2016, so don’t delay click here to book your complimentary session (worth $25)been designed to cater for the unique self growth needs, qualities and aspirations of women.