Day 6 of 21 Day Challenge: POWER OF I AM
Welcome to Day 6 of the Challenge to build your self-love & boost your confidence! (Power of I AM)
Your Challenge for TODAY:
Power of I AM
I AM is the expressions all about you.
I AM is one of the most important aspect of self-belief. It’s the driving factor in life. The ‘I AM’ decides which road to take. How the journey will be. Which spot to stop to look and admire. Which spot to drive pass and just take a glance. Sometimes just looking at the road and missing the beauty of the journey and drive. The ‘I AM’ determines how fast you go. You pass a detour – ‘I AM’ will decide to navigate the unknown route or just take the safe path. Within comfort zones. It determines your destination.
How did it happen?
Throughout life you’ve been through conditioning that created a mind-set overflowing with ‘I am not’s’. As a schoolchild with a less than satisfactory grades, you thought to yourself, I am not smart. You place anywhere other than number one and tell yourself, I am not talented. You get told over & over that you have such great potential for all your projects. Never a word of well done. You feel criticized and believe that I am not good at anything!
You look in the mirror and compare yourself to a glamorous models tell yourself, I am not beautiful. You not asked out to the prom and you think, I am unloved or I am unworthy. These and many many more like these ‘I am not’s’ statements, are repeated throughout your young years and into adulthood. This repetition becomes your ingrained core defining self-perception.
Overcoming this ‘I am not’ mind-set begins with trusting your inner world. There are no boundaries restricting your inner world. This will help with today’s challenge
Challenge for today:
- Run through a large list as you can of the things that you would like to define your life. Download TOOL FOR TODAY[pdf-embedder url=”” download=”on”]
- Then make the shift in your imagination from ‘I am not or I am hoping to become’ to I am. You want what follows I am to be congruent with your highest self. Download to fill in the ‘I AM’
- Beginning with your inner dialogue, simply change the words that define your concept of yourself. Redefine your self-concept by choosing the words that you opt to place into your imagination. Try this rewording of your inner world as a beginning step to accessing the assistance of your higher self and fulfilling your desires. I am unlucky in love is replaced by I am love.
Eg. Instead of I am incapable of getting a job, shift to I am capable.
I am unworthy of happiness becomes I am happiness.
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4. Read this list every morning to yourself. Record this list on your mobile phone and play it to yourself daily.
Excellent to build our self-love and great way to boost our confidence.
We can start defining our I AM.
Its shapes your reality.
Define the real you.
Sending you encouragement and support
So much love
Until tomorrow
Your Happiness & Confidence Coach 🙂
PS……Connect with us. We love to chat to you. Book a Discovery Session for 45 minutes to chat to us on how can we help you. We realize that women (like yourself) today face a whole new set of circumstances and have to juggle many balls to be SUCCESSFUL in life. This often leaves feeling pulled/pushed, stressed and drained – with little or no time left to invest in their personal growth. We design our VIP Personal Coaching to cater for the unique self growth needs, qualities and aspirations of YOU. Pretty Powerful Living! A Life Filled with Happiness, Success & Wealth. Do you want to live a Pretty Powerful Life? connect with us. This is a complimentary session for this challenge. We only have 3 spots left for Jan 2016, so don’t delay click here to book your complimentary session (worth $25)been designed to cater for the unique self growth needs, qualities and aspirations of women.