Day 7 of 21 Day Challenge: FACING YOUR FEARS
Welcome to Day 7 of the Challenge to build your self-love & boost your confidence! (facing your fears)
Your Challenge for TODAY:
Facing YOUR Fears
‘Fight your fears and you will be in battle forever
Face your fears and you will be free forever’
Lucas Jonkman
Moving in and through your fears!
I can just imagine your gobsmacked expression. I am being serious.
It took me a while to really get this concept: “The only way out is through.” And now that I get it, I still don’t like it.
The only way out of feeling fearful is going through your fears. You can’t make the fear disappear by magic – no fairy-godmother is will wish it away. And you most definitely should not wait around for it to take a hike – it is more patient than you and it won’t go anywhere. It’s here to stay until you say hello face to face.
Best to breath, go out there and face the fear, accept that it exists and that it is a part of you, expose yourself to it, stand there all immersed in fear and just see what happens.
Maybe you quiver a little. Maybe you want to run away. Maybe you get nauseous. Maybe you feel numb. But let yourself FEEL, TASTE the fear. This indicates that fear in and of itself does not kill or harm you. You survive the fear itself. It is the THOUGHT of it that does most of the damage.
So after you’ve done this once, commit to going through your fears again. I know, it’s easy to say but I have walked my talk – every single word that you read in this challenge or on my blog and that’s the only way that I trust and know that it works.
Be your own superhero. A superhero is a marshmallow and a warrior. The warrior makes your fears powerless. Take away their power and their hold over you. Then and only then can you start to step into your own freedom.
Follow todays challenge to get started…..
Challenge for Today:
Step 1 : Pick one fear. Just one. Make it a clear and specific one – like fear of striking up conversations with new people at social functions – OK?
Step 2: I want you to visualize yourself at a social function (or in whatever scenario fits your fear). Imagine the whole scene – music, people and the drinks – and then go through the motions of opening the lines of conversation with one person.
Step 3: Imagine yourself as confident, happy and brilliant in the exercise.
Step 4: Fear Factor. Do the visualization exercise for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks find a social function – or your particular scenario – and strike up just one conversation – do that one thing that really really scares you.
Whatever comes of it doesn’t matter. The exercise is in the doing. So all you have to do is find one such opportunity and use it to move through your fear, come out the other side and live to tell about it.
Excellent to build our self-love and great way to boost our confidence.
Give yourself one chance to go through your fears.
The exhilaration that comes from moving through fearful emotions is worth every bead of sweat and tears
Sending you encouragement and support
So much love
Until tomorrow
Your Happiness & Confidence Coach 🙂
PPPPS…… Connect with us. We love to chat to you. Book a Discovery Session for 45 minutes to chat to us on how can we help you. We realize that women (like yourself) today face a whole new set of circumstances and have to juggle many balls to be SUCCESSFUL in life. This often leaves feeling pulled/pushed, stressed and drained – with little or no time left to invest in their personal growth. We design our VIP Personal Coaching to cater for the unique self growth needs, qualities and aspirations of YOU. Pretty Powerful Living!
A Life Filled with Happiness, Success & Wealth. Do you want to live a Pretty Powerful Life? connect with us. This is a complimentary session for this challenge. We only have 3 spots left for FEB2016, so don’t delay click here to book your complimentary session (worth $25)been designed to cater for the unique self growth needs, qualities and aspirations of women.