Day 2 of 11 Day Challenge: “Boost your Confidence and Build your Self-Love” Challenge!
Turn your inner critic to a cheerleader
Welcome to Day2 of the “Boost your Confidence and Build your Self-Love” Challenge!
Your Challenge for TODAY:
Turn your inner critic to a cheerleader
Today, we are going to explore what the inner chatter inside your head has to say about you! That voice inside your head has a huge impact on who you are and how you live your life.
Think for a minute: How do you feel when you make a mistake, forget something important or make a blunder in a social event? So often, when in those moments when we feel MOST miserable, MOST vulnerable, MOST sensitive, MOST on the verge of giving up …. somehow, some way, negative Nancy starts yelling means things at you.
- “I can’t wear that looking the way you do.”
- “I am not experienced enough to go after that job promotion.”
- “I need to make more money before anyone will love me.”
- “I have to do X, be Y, or say Z in order for anyone to like you.”
- “I’m such an idiot! I’ve done it again!”
Consider the tone of voice of negative Nancy that comes out of you – at you! It’s harsh, abrupt and critical
I knew you wouldn’t be able to do it….so why did you even bother? That little voice sure cracks the whip alright! Think back to a time when you did something where you were not happy with yourself. You were very dissatisfied and upset with yourself
- What did you say to yourself?
- How did you say it to yourself?
Think about it: Is what you are saying to yourself valuable, useful and kind?
When negative Nancy is active, it limits our potential, cloud our vision, create confusion, damper the spirit and ruin our experiences. When we really need kindness, understanding and the clarity of mind to remedy the situation we created.
We all have a little voice inside our head that doesn’t always have the best thing to say about ourselves. For most people it seems to just “happen”. They have no control or awareness that is happening or happened. That is the challenge! To become AWARE and to CHOOSE self-supporting and inspiring self-talk.
By continuously allowing yourself to say negative things to yourself when something goes wrong, you built a habit of criticising yourself, set on auto-pilot. You sub-consciously accept this “reality” about yourself – and keep experiencing the same unpleasant feelings – every time you make a mistake. It becomes a vicious circle. You blaming the situation, it’s the other people’s fault, for making you feel awful, not realising that the thoughts by negative Nancy is actually the culprit.
The good news is: you can change your inner dialogue
You DO have a choice! You CAN take control what you say to yourself – and feel a lot better about yourself – even when you’re doing what all humans do: making mistakes & messing up
So let’s practice being more kind-hearted, caring and considerate to SELF
Your Challenge for Today: is to consciously decide to adopt a more self-compassionate outlook.
1. For the next 21 days, read the following affirmations out loud to yourself before you go to sleep:
- I am kind-hearted, caring and considerate to SELF
- It’s okay to make mistakes or to mess up
- I let go of all judgement and just observe my situation
- I always observe before reacting.
- I am looking at my shortcomings and failures with kindness and understanding.
- I gently and patiently guide myself towards better choices and actions.
- I choose to think thoughts that serve me well.
- I choose to reach for a better feeling
- I am my own cheerleader
2. Every time when you make a mistake or do something “wrong”, instead of criticising or catastrophizing
- Become conscious of what are you saying to yourself when you have a setback.
- If you eat that piece of cake, do you tell yourself you are a failure and that you’ll always be chunky? If you run into a problem do you tell yourself it is your fault and it’s the end of the world? Ask yourself the following questions when self-criticising: Is it true? Is it in my best interest? Does it help me in my situation? What are other possibilities? .
The more you catch yourself in negative self-talk, stop to change it, diffuse it to become new self-talk. Overtime its will become new way of talking to yourself.
“A new voice in your head can open up new possibilities! It’s a ripple effect! Change your tune, change your perception, change your negative self-talk and watch how your actions change – which will change your experience – which will change your reality!
Sending you heaps of encouragement and support
So much love
Until tomorrow
Your Confidence Coach 🙂
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