Dealing with Disappointment
When last did you feel disappointment?
We experience Disappointment every day. It could be any incident in your life.
Your boss yelled at you for your monthly report, your friend did not pitch up for lunch, your mum did not like the gift, your hubby disliked your delicious meal you so excitedly prepared, you were overlooked for the promotion, the date was horrible, your business failed, your friend betrayed your confidence, your gained weight after all the healthy eating, your boyfriend had to work late on your birthday, and many more…
Disappointment makes you feel sad when things do not work-out as you expected. Some feel numb while others feel rejected. The bigger disappointments can hurt and wound deeply. It all depends how to deal with disappointments. It can affect your self-worth. But maybe not! Hmmm…
Disappointment can be good for you. YES that’s correct! I tell you why:
- Its means you care deeply and are passionate about something. It’s a beautiful thing. These very emotions that drives you to do something. It motivates you to bring your dreams alive. An indication that you are in touch with your feelings
- Let-downs makes you resilient and stronger. I know you have read this so many times and it borders on cliché. But next time you will deal with disappointments in a better way and bounce back quicker because you understand the harsh feelings.
- Flops and failures create opportunities to grow (oops another cliché). Disappointments are caused by your expectations. Your expectations are based on your own set of assumptions. Now you have a great opportunity to revisit your assumption about the situation, self-belief and mind-set. You can get your assumptions more aligned to the world. Finding new ways to achieve your desires. Gaining knowledge about yourself and your interaction with the world. Becoming a little wiser.
Your turn…
How do you deal with disappointment? What’s the next smallest step you need to take to turn let-downs into opportunities?
Leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us. We would love to hear from YOU.
Wow this is a good post. I love number 1. Great reminder for me.