Water is the essence of Life
Drink water to feel better! Drinking water is essential for optimal mood, staying healthy and happy. Many people underestimate the importance of drinking water for mind, body and spirit. Many people think it is just a “mom’s tale,” like you need to drink your milk. How much water do you drink only a daily basis? I drink hot water every morning and just before going to bed to keep healthy and happy. During the day I sip herbal teas and eat water based fruits and veggies. I hope that you feel inspired by tips below, to maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle
1. Keep you energised – if you dehydrated you can feel tired and sleepy. Drink some water to wake up and feel energised.
2. Keep you alert. – Dehydration can impair our attentions span, memory and motor skills. Drinking water can help improve our focus, concentration, memory and refreshed.
3. Clear glowing skin – Our skin are exposed to dry air, sun, extreme weather, harsh chemicals, pollution that can dry our skin and cause skin diseases. One way to keep our skin healthy is to drink sufficient water. Water keeps our skin health, hydrated and happy. Maintains skin elasticity and skin tissues hydrated.
4. Relaxes a person under stress – Whenever a person is emotional, upset or disturbed, the first we do is give them a glass of water. It’s an ancient practice. Drinking water is calming, relaxing and soothing during extreme emotional feelings.
5. Swimming is great workout for body and mind – Swimming has been found to improve long-term physical and mental health. Water aerobics and deep water running offer cardio workouts with no impact and low stress. Those seeking peace of mind might consider diving in too; spending time in the pool is believed to reduce depression.
6. Cleansing the body and mind – Water is required for the cleansing and flushing out body of toxins and waste products. Helping keeping your organs, kidneys, bowels, digestive system and the entire body running smoothly.
7. Reducing stress – After a hard stressful or active day, a hot shower or bath can sooth and decrease our stress and anxiety levels leaving us calm and relaxed Relaxing our tired body and muscles after a workout. Soaking tired painful feet in water can help reduce fatigue. Allowing you to sleep better
8. Uplift your self-worth – When you feeling down and lonely, helpless or heartbroken soak in hot bath with some aroma therapy oil, baths salts or bubble bath to sooth the heart. It will make you feel better about yourself.
9. Keep your home and personal things clean – Water is the base for keeping your house, self and personal things clean. It’s non-toxic, healthy and good for the environment if used with natural detergents.
10. Helps with weight loss – Drinking clean fresh water instead of sodas, ready fruit juices, wine, energy drinks can help keep the calories down. Water is a good substitute for snacking when under stress or feeling emotional. It acts a natural appetite suppressant. Water can help making you feel better.
11. Aids with allergies and respiratory illness – Humidifier aids with dry air and moisturise the nasal passage and bronchial tubes. Helps makes breathing easier for people struggling with allergies and breathing problems.
12. Helps to cope with hangovers – Drinking alcohol causes dehydration, which can lead to hangovers. Having a glass of water with each alcoholic drink you sip is one way to offset the dehydration (and the day-after babelaas or hangover)
13. Frozen water used for injuries – Ice is widely used to treat injuries and bruises. Cold compressions are applied to sprains and swelling caused by injuries to reduce pain.
14. Enjoy water based fruit and veggies– Water-based fruits (orange, water-melon, melons, berries, etc.) and veggies (lettuce, cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, etc.) are great source of keeping hydrated. It makes the menu also interesting. Water is the basic requirement to prepare food. So cherish and value water.
15. Living near water can help reduce stress – the sound of water is great for reducing stress and can have a meditative impact. It’s been scientifically proven that sound of running water can reduce stress and has therapeutic effect.