Fears, Failures and Fat
Oh darling! These words feel so cosy and comfortable. They may have been your friend or foe for a long time. Depends your relationship with them.
We LIVING in the world of FLAWS = FEAR + FAILURES + FAT
This world of flaws may seem big but in fact you have been living very small.
In the world of Flaws, it can be debilitating and limiting. Its creates stories that keep you back in life and not allow you to try new things or engage with new people. The inner voice of fears, failures and fat is very tricky and naughty. Conjuring up stories to convince you that you are broken and need to be fixed. A few of the stories that live in the world of Flaws are:
I am so fat
I am ugly
I am not pretty
I am such a failure and looser
I earn little money
I have such a small house
My thighs are so fat.
I am boring
I am so weak
I am not educated enough
I am not smart enough
I am plain Jane
I hate myself for not being able to say no
I haven’t handled that situation very well.
People don’t like me…..
Do some of the stories in the world of Flaws seem as your own?
All our “flaws” are based on our own interpretations and perspectives. We fixate about certain aspects of our body, our appearance, our personality, our life, our work and consider them as “flawed.”
We all experience a sense of feeling flawed in certain aspects of our lives and at times in life. It’s a natural human condition. There is absolutely nothing wrong feeling this way. We all want to feel whole and have a sense of belonging. But, feeling flawed can rob us of our energy, our passion, our happiness, our confidence, and living our life. It’s one of the most painful ways to live and can result in a very dissatisfied life.
So, you see living in the world of Flaws is not so wonderful!!!
I would love to live in a world of Flawsome.
Ok I know it sounds weird.
In the world of Flawsome we are flawed and fabulous at the same time. And it’s a great place to be. Now you must be curious how can one be flawed and fab at once. Well you can …
3 steps to live in the world of Flawsome (fears, Failures, fat, fabulous)
Step 1 Lets get real about your flaws
Acknowledge the limitations, weaknesses, faults, failings, inadequacies, imperfections, shortcomings. We just bringing them to light without judgement. We are not running away or avoiding them anymore. There is a personal power and freedom in acknowledging them.
Step 2 Feeling the Flaws
Express your underlying feelings for your perceived flaws. Is it fear or shame? Do you feel angry about something at work or with your career? Sad about people treating you badly? All these feelings create a sense discomfort, pain and unease. In these situations, we tend to suppress our emotions. The memory of the painful situation gets bottled up. By giving these feelings a voice you can unhook and unlock from the memory of the situation.
Step 3 Love being Flawsome
View your flaws with kindness and compassion. Love your flaws – this creates a safe space to accept our flaws and give us the courage to change our mindset about them. It allows healing and creates place for new possibilities, new stories to be told.
A world in which we can adore our flaws and fab side by side. Where the light and dark co-exist. Where we can love our fears, failures & fat. Being whole. Exploring, Discovering, Becoming. Where there is a possibility of living, large and light.
This is the world of Flawsome.
Would you like to live there?