We spend a great deal of our life and time at work. So happiness at work should matter. Here are 7 ways to get happy working for you:-
1. Take note THAT YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN HAPPINESS. Start noticing how happy you are at work. Make a list of happy things and unhappy things. Make a plan to change the unhappy and enhance the uplifting things about work.
2. Dress for success. Work image is important. Dressing up shows that you are serious about work. Dressing up gives you a boost in self-confidence. Self-confidence makes you more radiant and happy. The happier you are the more productive you will be.
3. Build a good professional relationship with your boss. Have regular meetings to discuss your work and getting feedback. Have meaningful conversation to understand your boss’s expectations and goals. This way you can negotiate and manage your career path. Being proactive in your work life can give you a sense of personal power.
4. Connect with positive uplifting thinkers at work. Happiness is contagious. This way your mood will improve. Making working time fly. As the saying goes. Time flies when you having fun. Do not get involve in office gossip and complainers. They can drag you down and lower your morale.
5. Add some fun uplifting energetic activity in your work time. Go for a walk at lunch time or meet up with a friend for lunch. Do some meditation, go to the gym or listen to Happy song. This way you will feel good mentally, emotionally & physically and be happy. Your positive energy can enhance or create a positive environment at work.
6. Tackle the difficult tasks and the ones that are unpleasant first. Procrastination can rob you of your happiness at work adding huge amounts of stress. Find assistance if you feeling stuck. Have the courage to tackle the task. As the joke goes how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
7. Build relationships with workmates. You spend a lot of time with your colleagues, so invest in these essential relationships. Develop a strong network that gives you moral and practical support. And never underestimate the power of laughter— it can relieve stress, inspire creativity and enhance your feelings of connection with your co-workers. It’s good for you, and great for business.