Why Laugh?

Stress can be Positive or Negative. Positive stress is a motivating factor and booster in living a full-filling life while negative stress is debilitating, overwhelming and draining of energy and life. Long term impact of negative stress can effect mental, physical and emotional health and rob you of your in self-worth.
There has never a better time to start laughing your way to better health, reduced stress and a greater sense of joy and well being. Laughter can greatly improve quality of life, enhance sleep, reduce pain and increase your tolerance to stress……Need more convincing?
People who laugh tend to have better/brighter personal relationships and reduced risk of stress related illness. Laughter has the ability to break down barriers, diffuses the most painful emotions, (Anger, fear & boredom), and builds self-confidence and delightfully uplifting our sense of being. Laughter is more ancient then speech. It has been known in ancient & modern world that Laughter is the best medicine!
The question is:
How often are YOU, your loved ones and your colleagues laughing?
Laughter for YOU - from Stress to Happy Living

Stressed Out and Need a Boost of Vitality?
In these challenging economic times life can get overloaded with worries, anxieties and responsibilities. Where everything has to be quicker faster & better. We all trying to be Superman or Superwoman. Bearing this heavy burden can suck the joy out of life.
It can seem a very long time since you have even smiled. We start to feel stressed out over tiny things. We start living in a state of anxiety. Not even knowing this. Often this leads to lack of sleep, lack of energy, loneliness, and a feeling of hopelessness. When we are feeling down it is hard to reach out for help because we feel we should be able to cope on our own.
Help is at hand here at Art of Happiness Institute. We know how hard and stressful life can be and how isolating it is to be keeping our feelings at bay, just coping from day to day. Everyone is entitled to be happy, to feel energized and to feel that they are enough as they are, regardless of their circumstances or situation.
Accepting that we are unhappy is one of the first steps to making a change.
All permanent change starts with acceptance.
Laughter gives us acceptance in bundles!
Often we feel we need to deserve laughter or happiness,
that we need to have done something worthwhile, clever or important.
It is very important that you read and understand the following sentence and digest this fact:

You are enough!
You may not believe me, you may protest, you may argue, but it is true.
Laughter can help us recognize our own beauty and self-worth. When we can stop struggling and stressing we can finally relax... and that's when important change happens.

Laughter for YOU (Stress to Happy Living) coaching sessions will help you to:
- Learn to smile again - Focus on the lighter side of life
- Introduce more laughter and joy into everyday routines
- Learn to laugh on your own regardless of your circumstances
- Invite more play and creativity into life
- Reduce overall stress pain and tension becoming relaxed
- Learn to be more playful generally in life
- Become more connected with yourself & other people
- When you feel good about yourself, you achieve more goals in life are more successful
- Discover be able to laugh when you don’t feel like it
- Enjoy an exercise programme which benefits the body as well as the mind and spirit
No previous experience is necessary.
Participants need no sense of humour, just a willingness to laugh!
Individual sessions are usually delivered in 4 or 8 week packages and can be provided either in the client’s own home, over Skype or at the Art of Happiness institute