Thriving in the Sweet Spot
Since I have launched my 30 Day Sugar Free Sweet & Sexy for Spring Challenge (Join the challenge its FREE!, I have been thinking about the phrase “THE SWEET SPOT IN LIFE”
What is the sweet spot?
“The sweet spot is that place where your greatest strengths and your greatest personal power overlap with those arenas where you find ease, where there is little resistance or stress” Christine Carter
I’ve wrestled with the sweet spot for a long long time. What parts of life need to blend together to get to it? Do you know? When struggle sets in life I become stressed and sombre. I lose my mojo when I’m too tense or tired. I feel stuck and strained. I know that I can get great successes outside of my sweet spot, but my body and brain just freezes. What can I do?
Here are 3 ways we can flow into our sweet spot (easily and effortlessly):
- Rethink busy-ness Busy-ness can exhaust us and make even easy tasks seem harder. Any time we feel anxious & stressed, we aren’t working or living from our sweet spot. So rethink busyness to finding meaningful things to do or doing things with a meaningful attitude.
- Engage with People. One requirement for human survival is connecting with people; this sense of connection to others brings us both ease and strength. We feel less isolated, less lonely and less stressed. We feel we belong. We gain immense strength and feel safer. Start today by connecting with one new person you encounter.
- Practice makes Perfect. If you continuously to live and strive in the sweet spot. Over time with practice it becomes a habit. As we develop a good habit, they become second nature. Where we don’t even have think about. Easy as pie.
We then Thrive in the Sweet Spot with ease and comfort.
Take Action: Pick one of the above ways to flow back to your sweet spot, and decide WHEN you will do it. Insert in your calendar or for all intentions & purposes your fire may dwindle. Where is your Sweet Spot in Life?