Is Money Spiritual?
A common belief held by many people (globally) is that money and spirituality cannot live together
Money is evil. If you’re spiritual, you shouldn’t want abundance. It’s being greedy. (I used to believe it myself in the past but with experience I have changed my mind)
I can just imagine you cringing with this topic. Making you anxious, feeling uneasy and awkward. You can feel being exposed or you could be losing something valuable something very dear to your heart. It’s a common conversation that we do not want to have with ourselves or with others. It can change things very quickly and can be extremely scary. I am taking a risk today and just writing about something that is very uncomfortable for me. I have had a doubtful relationship with money most of my life…
My role models in my growing years did not have a great relationship with money or wealth. It took a long time for me to figure out the value and meaning of money and owning wealth. To hear my own inner truth and voice to have a meaningful relationship with money.
My personal belief is that money is connected to my inner truth and voice (spiritual). In fact, I’ve found that when money is consciously created and used, it complements very well with spirituality. The reason this is a courageous conversation to have is because if we feel that money is bad (even slightly), we’ll have a hard time creating financial abundance.
We’ll secretly feel like we should keep money at a distance.
We’ll experience guilt when we do make money.
People close to us will not like or love us if we have lots of money
Having lots of money can turn us into a bad person
And we’ll never be able to be at peace on the subject of money.
This is no way to live or feel about yourself. And it’s definitely not spiritual.
In this blog, I’ll give you 3 examples of why wealth and spirituality are highly-compatible. By understanding that
money and spirituality compliment one another,
you’ll open the gates to attract more money & wealth into your life.
1) Your Being is Infinitely Abundant.
As a spiritual being, you are completely and infinitely abundant. You are abundantly gifted with Love, Peace, Power, Truth, Wisdom, Fulfilment, and Bliss. Do you think this part of us identify with being poor? No! It’s the ego that feels limited & small (financially, and otherwise).
When you feel spiritually abundant within yourself, you find richness in life. Creating prosperity in the form of money and wealth in the outside world.
2) Spirituality & Money is about expansion,
Your being wants to expand and grow; it does so by having many life experiences. In this lifetime, money is a tool that allows you to fulfil your dreams and desires.
Does this mean that money makes everything perfect? Oh NO!
Does it mean that money is your main source of happiness? Absolutely not!
Money is simply a tool/resource that will help you have some of the life experiences (dreams, desires, goals, plans) you want to have.
Money is definitely not the answer to everything, but it’s not futile either. Financial resources give you the opportunity and possibility to have many life adventures. The growth and expansion that occurs as a result of these experiences is part of a spiritual life and attitude.
3) Money is energetically neutral
Money itself isn’t good or bad. It’s only paper – there is no consciousness. It’s neutral. It’s the value and meaning that we attach to money makes it good or bad. How we choose to use money that determines whether it feels “good” or “bad.”
How money is made or used can be positive or negative energetically – its either used in an ego-centric, selfish way or in a positive, loving way. It’s basically an extension of your energy, so the way you choose to use money is ultimately what determines the vibration it carries.
We need to remember that money itself is not good or bad; it’s merely a tool that we’re using in this lifetime. If you use money in a way that enhances your own life and lives of others, then a powerful, spiritual tool is exactly what money will be.
Over to You
What do you think about MONEY?