Audacious women are successful. I have witnessed so many women online, professional women, celebrities, women in my life, I have read about them, watched them on TV. Audacious women who inspire me are Ellen DeGeneres, Oprah, Jane Goodman, Amelia Earhart, Junko Tabei, Zinc heroes – Sister Sudha Varghese, Coco Chanel, unlikely heroes, dreamers, and doers. These are ordinary women with extraordinary qualities.
Here are their extraordinary qualities that I think are common to these powerful ordinary women:
- They have big dreams
- They are confident and highly curious
- They believe in themselves
- They live by their own rules
- They are alive and full of vitality
- They are highly motivated
- They don’t sweat the small stuff
- They just do it – Keeping it simple and organised
- They understand the duality of failure and success
- They take themselves seriously – consistent and persistent
- They are continually learning and flexible
- They understand connection is currency
- They know where and how to direct their energies in life.
- They play on their strengths and talents
- They continually challenge themselves to new success stories
These audacious women are seemingly tireless, relentlessly dedicated and endlessly curious. There’s always more, always better, always further to go further to reach further to climb…
The amazing part of this whole story is that these ladies are just like you and me (ordinary). Their extraordinary lives were not handed to them on a silver platter. They struggled, strained & stressed on their journey to success. They are ordinary people living extraordinary lives. They’re highly intelligent and sharply focused. From a distance, it may seem they have magical powers or come across as superwoman. But they ordinary women with extraordinary character and mind.
They have clarity of mind, strength of character and surety of passion & purpose.
Are you an Audacious Successful Woman?
May we Know them,
May we Be them
May we Raise them