Dear STRESS it’s time to break up
Time to discover you can take back control of your well-being.
Simple 5 Step Programme
No Talking - No Touching - No Medicine
Learn how to heal yourself from stress, anxiety, tension & trauma. BurnOut! Empowering yourself.
Release tension, back, hip, neck, shoulder pain!
Bring yourself back into balance and heal yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. Start to feel alive as you build resilience!!!
You may have endured a life-altering episode, and are likely living with broken trust, negative stress, incapable of cope with many situations. Inability to focus and regulate your emotions. Reliving the impact of the experience can be exhausting. Over time this internal pain can be debilitating, overwhelming and draining of energy and life. It can leave you feeling empty, making you irritable, angry and scared. The long term negative stress can effect mental, physical and emotional health and rob you of your self-worth.
We understand that your pain is real, your feelings are valid and you can overcome them. One minute, one hour, one day …. this are the victories.
You don't have to just suck it up!

What is Tension Release in Motion (TRE)?
TRE is a revolutionary body-based technique to quickly effectively reveal and release overall stress, tension, physical pain and trauma. It triggers and reactivates our natural self-repair mechanism of letting go of stress, pain and tension. TRE is a self-empowering tool that once learnt you are able to them at home on your own. It’s easy, safe and suitable to most people.
Dr D Berceli is the creator of this revolutionary technique here his explanation on what TRE is?
Carte Blanche TRE Interview with Dr. Berceli
Why use TRE?
When tension is released anywhere in the body, the brain registers a reduction in pain signals, producing new hormones that promote healing. An enhancing attribute of the TRE process is that the negative effects of trauma are released without having to actually relive, remember or talk about the event.

Who Can Benefit From TRE?
Do you experience any of the following?
- Extreme worry or stressed out
- Headaches, back pain or any physical pain or discomfort
- Mental or physical fatigue
- Divorced or in process of Divorcing
- People going through a tough time in life
- Conflict at work or in your personal relationships causing extreme anxiety, tension and stress
- Overwhelmed by daily life activities
- Food Addiction, Binging, Using food to cope with life or feel better about oneself
- Unexplained but intense fears of people, places, things
- Professionals who deal with Trauma on a daily basis: Nurses, Social Workers, Police, Paramedics, Doctors, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Lawyers,
- Extremely low self-worth - victim role, self blame, depressed, rescuer role
- Unresolved emotional, physical or mental abuse
Benefit of TRE?
- Promotes better sleep through relaxing the body
- Improves energy & endurance levels
- Relaxes the body while reducing stress, tension and physical pain
- Helps you feel more calm while feeling grounded in the body in the present moment
- Bounce back quicker from life challenges and stressful situations
- Self-empowering - once learnt you are able to them at home on your own.
Why is TRE so Effective?
- The muscle tremors evoked by the TRE exercise process is a natural, internal, neuro-physiological response of the body to reduce its own stress and restore a sense of well-being
- TRE is a body based (somatic) process which, when done properly, through a Certified TRE Provider can allow the individual to discharge tension from the body, which often does not require “revisiting the story”
- TRE is designed to be a self-help tool that once learned, can be used as needed, throughout one’s life, thereby continuously supporting and promoting personal health and wholeness
- TRE can be taught as either a simple self-help, tension reduction technique in a physical exercise program OR it can be used as an effective complementary practice when integrated with other treatment modalities by those in the healing professions, including the treatment of PTSD and anxiety disorder recovery
- TRE can be taught in very large groups for communities that have experienced mass trauma
- TRE promotes cohesiveness and openness between participants and can be a helpful tool for dispute resolution. (ie: interpersonal, corporate and political communication).
- TRE can cross culture and language barriers because it is based on natural physiological responses shared by all human beings

Here is an article where TRE is being used by Government officials for dealing with stress.
Here is an article: Shaking All Over - Stress Therapy Treatment causing Tremors
We offer:
Private individual sessions:
1:1 Private Session R350 for one hour
De-Stress Package - 4 sessions @ R1'299
It’s time to Heal - 6 session package @ R2'000
Group sessions:
Group session 6 people or more R600pp for 6 sessions. Meet once a week.
My gift to you...
Dear Stress Its time to break up! Package
Get a group together and receive 11% discount for the whole group.
If you are able to organize a group of 6 of you family friends or colleagues who are all keen to Break-up with STRESS.
A once a week class for 6 weeks.

TRE® is a safe tension and stress release method & suitable for most people. The TRE process does not replace any trauma recovery treatment of a medical or psychological nature.
'Individuals who have physical or psychological/psychiatric conditions that require strict regulation, individuals with fragile psychological defenses, a complex history of trauma or restricting physical or medical limitations should consult their medical practitioner or a Certified TRE Provider prior to participating in TRE session.'
"I cannot put into words what TRE has done for me – at my age of 62 I have suffered from anxiety and unexplained fears for as far back as I can remember. After my 3rd session with you I noticed something different, the first was how grounded I felt, I could actually feel the ground under my feet, I felt stable. An inner knowing and a feeling of “I can do this” started taking over. In the next few days I started finding myself looking forward to life. The constant pounding heart and uncomfortable fear of the unknown started disappearing and I can truly say that today I am a different person. Thank you Anjana for your help, support and positive attitude. I can wholeheartedly recommend TRE with Anjana Lala, It works !" ALICE HOPELY
"I love life, I feel empowered and confident and able to cope. I love who I have become. The great thing about TRE is you don't have to know what it is that has been the cause of your fears and you don't have to deal with long drawn out sessions where you analyse issues and emotions – you just do the work and the body gets rid of those unwanted emotions and fears that it has stored. Its difficult to explain, but my family have seen the amazing change in me and even if they hadn't, it wouldn't matter to me because I can feel the difference in myself and I am loving it! All you need is a willingness to try something new. I wholeheartedly recommend TRE to anyone who has issues they would like to clear in their life. Anjana is supportive, patient and made me feel so safe." Renette
" My 10 year old daughter has become more engaging at school. She has started to speak up for herself. Improved sleep pattern, Calmer demeanour, More courage to face challenges, Reduced anxiety. She has more focus. I highly recommend TRE for children to cope focus and anxiety. It helped me as a mother to worry less and calm down." Meeta