Top 7 Money Mistakes of Women
For many women money is a highly sensitive issue. Something uncomfortable and awkward. It is still a taboo subject in this day and age. It’s mind-blogging! Lifestyles have changed and roles of women in the family unit have evolved. Many are single breadwinners. Yet we women are still enticed by the romantic notion of Cinderella.
I am very surprised how many women (mostly independent, employed, sophisticated women, some of them self-identified feminists, some of them professionals, some of them new age feminine thinkers) have the fantasy that some man is going to rescue them financially.
A very dear friend (Sam) was involved with a very wealthy man. I was extremely surprised, when they broke up, at the reaction of our friends. Sam broke up with him. Our friends, who were all independent, employed, sophisticated women, were not particularly supportive. They were all kind of like, “He treats you so well, he’s so rich and he is so nice. What are you doing? Why you leaving him?” You can smell the fear…
It was just amazing to see these very successful, independent and educated women kind of reduced to women out of a Jane Austen novel. Scary!
In my women tribe we talk and write about divorce, sagging boobs and sex, but we don’t really talk about money in a way that is as profound or exploratory. I raise the topic at times but it falls to deaf ears. Why are so many women reluctant to talk openly about the role money plays in their lives and relationships?
Here are the top 7 Money Mistakes of Women:
- Money is intricately woven in our self-worth & self-esteem.
- Think they don’t know much about investing their money.
- Financial compatibility and value is not considered in long term relationships.
- Let someone else – a spouse, a parent, a partner, an advisor – take care of everything for us.
- Put others’ needs ahead of our own
- Do not ask or plan for what we need financially – present and future
- Are too embarrassed to talk with our family or friends about money.
What money mistakes are you making as a woman?
I think its time to take your money power back NOW!. Why you need to take control now.
The good news: More women are now the family breadwinner (look at that!). The bad news: We still tend to pass the buck on important money matters, such as investing and retirement.
No need to be scared. There is so much information and knowledge out there to guide you and find solutions to suit your money personality. So be bold & brave take your money power back.